James Hilder => #ConflictResolution Guru from An Roth

Yesterday myself and Nikki Woolf (CGDT Greener ColGlen admin and communications officer as well as KCFC Forest Operations Administrator) attended James Hilder’s inspirational and really-very-useful seminar on conflict resolution held by the Community Woodlands Association in Ardfern.

Some real nuggets came up and some hugely useful processes, all of which I hope we can implement at CGDT. Preparation was the one which came up again and again – the best way to deal with destructive conflict is to prepare yourself and your organisation so that it doesn’t happen. Communicate well, and much of the angst of conflict is obviated – and if there is conflict, it is a useful, thought-provoking, solutions-oriented, issue-based process.

Thanks James, great day!

#WorkinProgress on the #DunansCastle Conservation Plan book – a gallery of rather lovely rogues!

We’re really enjoying putting together the picture library for the book, which includes, naturally enough, a selection of photos taken of Lairds and Ladies while on tours in the grounds. We’ve included all of them on one page, and here’s the result. You’ll see all sorts of activity, but my favourite are the trio of Ladies with champagne about to have their picnic sometime last summer (and yes, I did quaff too!).

Its looking like the book, Conservation Plan for Dunans, will be published in the next month or so. More details to be announced soon!

#OnMyPlaylist #TheBoss has made many albums and this is the one I keep going back to!

Bruce Springsteen – The Rising

Genius and for me, one of the best musical responses to 9/11. I am (Also testing out a new twitter / Facebook posting combo – hope it works!)

#ISBN 978-1-910326 is the prefix for #DunansCastle Ltd. publishing

Within the next couple of months we will be publishing the Alloway Rap (ISBN 978-1-910326-00-8), and also a whole raft of Dunans Castle consultation documents in hardback, softback, pdf and ibook format. All of these will use the abovenoted prefix.

#ScottishIndependence #VoteYes The Yes Campaign gathers momentum, even the Guardian is reporting it


In my view, Land Reform, community ownership of assets and independence are the right way to go. There’ll be uncertainty, there’ll be change, but if we wish to have a happy, vibrant, civilised country which makes its own decisions then it has to be a Yes.

Are Your Ready Workshop Presentation: What does a climate ready community look like in 2050?

The following assumes that increasingly climate change will force communities, particularly rural ones, towards self-sustainability as far as possible …  Continue reading Are Your Ready Workshop Presentation: What does a climate ready community look like in 2050?

#WorldPoetryDay Too brilliant for ash or clay to contain/they constellate beneath the swaying grasses/their yellow, a sun partially interred

And here is it in verse form, with all the proper punctuation.

Too brilliant for ash
or clay to contain,

they constellate
beneath the swaying grasses,

Their yellow, a sun
partially interred.

Glen of the Red River Community Calendar is open for events in ColGlen

faviconDeveloped with the Children of Kilmodan – who are now using the website for blogging their news – Glen of the Red River now has a user-submitting calendar for community events. Whether its for a quiz evening, whist drive or working group meeting, this is the place to let everyone know. For example last night Community Council meeting was published on the calendar. The more people use it the more useful it becomes.

And the kids will be thrilled with any comments on their posts!

Presentation for the Cross Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency: Community Benefit from the Inside

CSDS_at_Holyrood{This presentation was given by me (right) alongside these images}


This is mid-Glendaruel from the community owned forest – or rather one of our harvested coups. Gives you an idea of how glorious the place is. And here it is on the map.


Colintraive and Glendaruel is a community of 350 people. We measure 28 miles Continue reading Presentation for the Cross Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency: Community Benefit from the Inside

What do you think about Community Benefit and its effect on ColGlen?

spreeeI am giving a presentation to SPREEE, the Cross Party Group on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency on Community Benefit from Windfarms from the inside. I’ve got info and feedback from the Windfarm Trust, but it would be great to have comments from community members in ColGlen – positive and / or negative – both are welcome!