It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time – We’re going to be on #BBCRadioScotland sometime in May!

… and that’s the name of the radio programme with presenter Claire English – It seemed like a good idea at the time.

It’ll be half an hour of Sadie and me talking about what brought us to Dunans and how we’ve overcome the obstacles to make a success of the project. We enjoyed it immensely, particularly the initial bit standing on Dunans Bridge in full sunshine talking about that moment when we first saw Dunans and fell in love with it {sort of}!

I’ll post more when the programme gets broadcast some time in May. The photo is of Sadie and the BBC team walking back from the initial take on the bridge.


[And notice all those cars to the right of the ladies? That’s nearly 20 people who went on the ever-popular Lairds and Ladies’ tour today!]