Dunans Castle Ltd. gets its own site to signpost everything we’re doing!

We’re about to publish a couple of books, and because of that, and because it often helps external agencies to clarify what an organisation does, we decided to create a new corporate website for what we do.

The new website is here.

By the way the picture is of the date plaque on Dunans Bridge and it was taken in 2013 by Jean Donaldson of PowanMedia

The book of the Dunans Conservation plan is shaping up well …

This is one of my favourite spreads at the moment – with a picture taken in October of the full panorama of the top of the building.

We’re copy-editing at the moment and waiting to receive hi-res scans from the National Library of Scotland of some of the early Ordnance Survey maps – which have a surprising amount of the detail on them.

The book will be published in the next 6 weeks or so, with much fanfare and hullaballoo!

Misty, Moisty Tree Tops at Dunans Castle

The view from the cabin in the woods where the ScottishLaird team work.