Deirdre of the Sorrows

Deirdre’s story is a sad and epic tale of love, betrayal and heartache – as well as death, blood and vengeance. Only in Cowal, among its gentle lochs and hills did the great Irish beauty find a measure of happiness.

Deirdre of the Sorrows

Draped over his shoulder
The cloud crept toward dawn
And masked the soft-edged sigils
Of drought dulled heather.

Her scent curled about his
Tonsure of Rowan and Alder,
As he opened his chest
In a supple twist of his hips –

He revealed the long loch
Of his cavernous belly,
And the glittering breadth 
Of his seaward ardour.

Only then did she weep,
Effacing herself,
Until all that remained
Was a shiver of mist in the air.