Graphical illustrations of the underlying issues behind voting in the #IndyRef: Life expectancy and Income @R_J_Parker @SuseJohnston

These graphs relate two metrics, life expectancy and income, with how people voted. In all four cases of the councils which voted Yes have the lowest levels of both. If anything, this proves to me that the Yes vote was effectively saying, “the system is broken – we need to change the system”.

Disposable income against the vote in the Independence Referendum. Source: @SuseJohnston
Disposable income against the % No vote in the Independence Referendum. Source: @SuseJohnston
Life Expectancy against the vote in the Independence referendum. Source: @R_J_Parker
Life Expectancy against the % Yes vote in the Independence referendum. Source: @R_J_Parker

The thinking behind the graphs is available on twitter, at the accounts shown.

Not much more needs to be said, I think.

UPDATE: Actually, this from Mike Russell which is published in the Sunday Times today.

The Drovers and the Laird: Premiered today on Dunans Bridge for an Octogenarian Laird of Dunans Castle @TWTC

It was bound to happen at some point: the two companies working so successfully side-by-side at Dunans would eventually get together and create a theatrical piece for our Lairds and Ladies.

Well, today marked the first performance of a specially commissioned play ‘The Drovers and the Laird’ by the The Walking Theatre Company, written by my lovely/their very own in-house play-wright, Sadie Dixon-Spain, and performed by Rebecca Bloom, Janis Marshall-Reilly and John Love.

The play begins in 1715 and tells the tale of the arrival at ‘Dounens’ of the first Fletcher. Rob Roy MacGregor makes an appearance as does the lovely Anne McNabb, however more than these snippets I will not reveal because next year we’re going to put on several performances of the play for our Lairds and Ladies.

Rebecca Bloom (front left) and Sadie Dixon-Spain (front right) with other members of The Walking Theatre Company a couple of years ago!

When you ask? Well the dates are not confirmed, but we think four or five weekends through the summer, and each will be available to our Lairds and Ladies well in advance to enable travel plans.

We’re also developing “command performances” for very special Lairds and Ladies – more on the website soon.

You may also be wondering why the picture of woodland at the top? Well, the party asked not to have photos taken on the day, so our only option was a long distance shot of the opening scene – on the bridge, in the sunshine. I can attest that there was lots of laughter, but the performers and audience are not really visible at all. Oh well. Next time we’ll get Jean Donaldson of Powan to take some crackers!



Burning stumps: After a year of seasoning the remains of the larches, we decided it was time to clear them …

A quiet Sunday, lots of brash and some stumps. A great way to develop a proper thirst over the course of a day.

With bonfire expertise provided by the inimitable Bruce Allen and labour by myself we burned through three and made inroads into another three. By the end of the operation access into the woodland at the top of Dunans policies was properly enabled.

The pints of Highlander were especially welcome that evening. Now all I have to do is put in the culverts!

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Fabulous 3D fly-by of Dunans: Laser survey creates a stunning movie of the castle and house

The work by AOC to create a detailed laser survey of the castle has borne fruit in the most spectacular fashion. This fly-by generated by the data shows the level of detail that the technique has captured. We’re delighted because this represents a really detailed dataset from which drawings and plans can be elaborated – and all enabled by our Lairds’ and Ladies’ support.

Thinking about Christmas? We’ve a New Groupon UK offer from the 13th September!

We’re always delighted to work with Groupon, and this offer is no exception. There will be an opportunity to take up this offer until 2nd October, so plenty of time, and nice and early for Christmas!

Groupon offers like this have proved particularly important to the restoration project as they have brought us to a much wider market in the UK, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. Without Groupon for example we would not have been able to move forward with the Conservation Plan as quickly, nor provided the match-funding for the restoration of the bridge.

For more information on what we are planning we have books, a Lairds and Ladies site, as well as the Dunans Castle Limited site.

(And for those of you who wonder about the technology which underpins our endeavours, we use a self-hosted WordPress blog, the wp e-commerce plugin and some very nifty proprietory addons to both – which enable both these offers and our other online operations.

We’re always innovating technically of course, and that’s one of my skills – I find the manipulation of mysql, php, css, etc. to make us a more efficient operation endlessly fascinating … for example, I have just realised that when entering voucher codes into our database, creating individual queries for each code is much more efficient – reducing input time from three hours to half an hour – more time to concentrate on the restoration project!)


Fine New Wool Dunans Rising Scarves at – just beautiful!

The first of our gorgeous range of new wool items is now on our Scottish Laird website here.

We’re really proud of them, and will be adding more over the next couple of weeks. There will be various sizes of rug, a serape, a cap, waistcoat and other loveliness.

We’ll also be redesigning the website to make it much easier to get to the stuff you love – photos here by Jean Donaldson at Powan.

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Gloriously Sunny September Sunday at Dunans

We’re awaiting the arrival of contractors for the investigatory works on the bridge, a meeting with the architect, and the reports on laser and bat surveys. In the meantime I am writing the business plan the bridge in order to consolidate the funding application to Historic Scotland. Its concentrated desk work, and for relief I took a walk in the pasture at the back of the castle yesterday, these photos are the result.

@GeorgeMonbiot nails the argument for Scottish Independence, by turning the whole issue on its head #guardian #indyref

Wish I’d thought of this, but then that’s what we need people like George for, to respond to the current issues in thought-provoking and contrary ways. I wonder whether those postal voters who voted ‘No’ would have been swayed by this article?

We must act on Global Warming: Climate Change has already made the world three times more dangerous.

If you ever wondered why I am such an enthusiastic supporter of CGDT’s Greener ColGlen programme these stats give you the answer. They are all since the 1970s, my lifetime, from the World Meteorological Organisation report (here). The droughts of the 1980s are the outlier in these stats, or possibly the first major effect of global warming before we became a significantly wetter planet.

Increase in Global Threat

It has always been my view that Climate Change Denial is a betrayal of the planet and the human race and the more political mileage these lobby groups get the closer we get to the worst case scenarios as articulated by Mark Lynas in his book Six Degrees (ISBN: 9780007209057) – which I thoroughly recommend you read (or if you want to cut to the chase here’s a summary of his conclusions).

The fact that the world has become three times more dangerous since the seventies terrifies me, even though I live on the temperate West Coast of Scotland.

from the Guardian.

#indyref: I’ve voted

Just to record that today I voted for an independent Scotland. But whatever happens, whichever way the vote goes, it feels fantastic to be part of a free and fair vote on the future of our country – if only this was the case all over the world.
