Both the commemorative edition for Lairds and Ladies, and the PDF version have finally been published on This marks the first stage in the consultation on the plan, and all answers will contribute to the development of our plans for the building, grounds and bridge.
#FabulousFriday: finally closed out the Dunans Conservation Plan books, and redesigned the greeting pack for Lairds & Ladies
Watch the Scottish Laird site for news on the books (in particular our Lairds’ and Ladies’ and the PDF versions), and in the meantime enjoy the inside of the ScottishLaird welcome pack A4 folder. Gorgeous isn’t it? Lots of Dunans Rising tartan, lots of Lairds and Ladies taking the tour, and lots of new information researched through the plan.
Here’s a preview of the ACT website that will be launched at the end of this month: Digital Soul have done a great job!
As the board member for Cowal and Bute for ACT, I’ve been taking a keen interest and fed back at all stages during the branding exercise the trust commissioned recently. I am delighted to say the work Digital Soul have done has exceeded my expectations, and represents Argyll in a new and a fresh way. More when the launch happens on the 28th April.
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday until the end of October Lairds and Ladies are invited to Dunans for a tour at midday!
We’re number-crunching the GPS coordinates for all the Lairds and Ladies’ Plot numbers
As is obvious from the picture, this is not a trivial task. The GPS coordinates we’re generating have to be processed using excel, then a text editor, and then parsed into SQL. At the same time, we’re relating the coordinates to specific plot numbers according to the schematic we drew up right at the beginning of the project in December 2007. These things take time, and we are still calibrating the results, so its all not entirely accurate yet.
If you would like to get an idea of where your plot is, please visit our beta app, here.
First Aerial Movie of Dunans Castle is over in 19 seconds, but shows spectacular potential!
Over the bank holiday we have been testing our new quadcopter mounted camera and this is a short excerpt of what we think will become an exciting and revealing tool for the restoration of the castle. We’re presently designing shots for a forthcoming ibook of the Conservation Plan.
Final Proof of the Conservation Plan for Dunans in from Lulu today – we’re so close to publishing the book I can smell it!
That’s the printer’s ink, the new paper and the ozone of a press that I can smell … No, but really the proof is a live book printed by Lulu, ordered three days ago and received today – and it’s lovely and glossy and just beautiful.
We’re looking for a small Scottish printer at the moment to do a run of between 250-500 hardbacks with dust jackets. And that run will be the primary publication, but we’ll continue with the more expensive Lulu version to enable easy sales around the world.
The PDF version is also nearing completion, and that’ll be immediately available on the Scottish Laird website. It’s not as glossy, but all of the text is there, albeit in a more compressed typographical form!
Lairds and Ladies’ Plots plotted on GPS via beta app we’re updating over the next week
We have a lot of requests from Lairds and Ladies for a GPS Coordinate of their plot when they come here for their tour (and actually alot of folk want to be able to see the exact location of their plot online too). So we have a small app which does exactly that.
At the moment, it will provide a result for all plots up to around N5400E1. You enter your plot number into the search box, and if there is a result, you are taken to googlemaps where a pin is dropped on the approximate location of the GPS coordinates (see picture above).
We say approximate because we are not entirely sure that Google plots GPS exactly right in our location.
Anyway, you can check your plot here.
#CGDT is recruiting for a New Community Forest Project Officer: it’s a varied role at the heart of our community
This is an extraordinary opportunity to work with a highly successful Development Trust in a truly beautiful ‘neck of the woods’. For a year the successful candidate will work with the excellent CGDT team who have developed an exciting and varied roster of projects. From Archaeology to a Dark Skies park, from Woodfuel to Woodland Crofts, from Housing to renewables, this is a contract for only the most able and most ambitious community development officers.
You’ll be supported by an experienced and professional voluntary board toward each of the project outcomes while also having an eye on extending the contract beyond the funding that we have available to us.
If this is interesting to you, to read more, download the application or contact the trust, please visit the CGDT website here.
It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time – We’re going to be on #BBCRadioScotland sometime in May!
… and that’s the name of the radio programme with presenter Claire English – It seemed like a good idea at the time.
It’ll be half an hour of Sadie and me talking about what brought us to Dunans and how we’ve overcome the obstacles to make a success of the project. We enjoyed it immensely, particularly the initial bit standing on Dunans Bridge in full sunshine talking about that moment when we first saw Dunans and fell in love with it {sort of}!
I’ll post more when the programme gets broadcast some time in May. The photo is of Sadie and the BBC team walking back from the initial take on the bridge.
[And notice all those cars to the right of the ladies? That’s nearly 20 people who went on the ever-popular Lairds and Ladies’ tour today!]