The Books have arrived: The copies of the Conservation Plan for Dunans arrived yesterday!


We are all delighted with them, and Monday will see the first copies sent out to all the Lairds and Ladies who have ordered them from

This first print run is nearly all sold, so if you wish to ensure you receive a copy quickly, please order now.


The Conservation Plan for Dunans, Lairds and Ladies edition is Published!


Both the commemorative edition for Lairds and Ladies, and the PDF version have finally been published on This marks the first stage in the consultation on the plan, and all answers will contribute to the development of our plans for the building, grounds and bridge.

Photo of Dunans @sunset walking back to the house after a big day on the conservation plan.

Sometimes the interaction of landscape and building is stunning, although mere photos are often not able to catch the full width, breadth and height of the stunningness involved – and I suspect this is one such case. Lucky to live where I do.