CGDT uses timesheets to record everyone’s activities – and that means the directors too now!

cgdt-timesheetThe Development Trust board was thinking about how to leverage the hours and hours of voluntary time that it puts into the organisation. The first problem is how to record that time. The answer, of course, is to use the timesheets that Sara has developed for the CCF project. Of course, we are all slightly wary of recording the hours we put in because there might be too many … but too many at least means more match-funding, no? I think we win either way!

There are lots of events coming up related to CGDT’s activities, including our AGM on the 20th July (1400hrs), a consultation on Community Wind Turbines on 28th May (1900hrs) and a meeting about our progress on Community Broadband on 15th May (1800hrs). There’ll be a newsletter coming out soon as well.